CityTeam Ministry

SFA has developed a relationship with CityTeam in Chester PA,
a Christian based organization which serves both families and individuals in need.


CITY TEAM MISSION ~ Passionate about serving others
“We desire to share Christ’s unconditional and redemptive love by caring for immediate needs and enabling lasting solutions”.


“To restore lives and rebuild communities through innovative programs which provide food, shelter, clothing, training, and spiritual transformation”.


Some of St. Francis’ work with CityTeam has been seasonal projects such as;

  • School Supplies and Backpacks for kids at the end of Summer.
  • Packing food boxes for families in need to help celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, and in the Spring, Easter.

There are also Weekly events we hope to join in moving forward, such as the distribution of food bags, clothing, and mother and baby supplies.

Every other Saturday is a lovely event called Hope Cafe, where a sit-down meal is held at their center for unhoused individuals. Volunteers are needed for Food Prep in the late morning, and also for serving the meals late afternoon, early evening.


To learn more about the CityTeam Ministry Mission, visit their website for details.

To sign-up for any of these events visit the Volunteer Hub on the CityTeam website at
or click here to register

(The sign-up process is easy. You will need to Create Account if you have not volunteered previously).

Specific activities with dates and times that we plan to work as a group with CityTeam

will be posted in St. Francis Parish’s Weekly Church Bulletin.
(We try to offer carpooling to these events also).


For additional information or if you have any questions,
please contact Helen Golden(SFA) at