Prayer and Sacramental Life
Altar Servers – Assist at Mass and other parish liturgies. Open to boys and girls grades 5 through 8; training is provided.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Parishioners who have been commissioned to minister the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and take Communion to the homebound. Ministers are chosen on the basis of their demonstrated faith as well as their moral standing in the community. Call the rectory if there is someone who wants or needs a home visit.
Lectors– Proclaim the Word of God at weekly liturgies, holy days and daily Mass.
Liturgy Committee – A group who devotes their time and talent in planning parish liturgies.
Ministers of Hospitality – Welcome all who enter church and assist with the offertory collection.
Music Ministry – The Adult Choir meets in the choir loft of church every Tuesday evening from 7:00-8:30PM to practice for weekly Masses and other liturgies throughout the year. Cantors lead the congregation in singing the Mass responses. Musicians share their talents at liturgies.
Adoration – The Blessed Sacrament is placed on the altar for Adoration between 1:00 and 8:00PM in church each Monday. Adorers can sign up for a specific hour.
Baptism Preparation Sessions – Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of each month. Adult faith formation sessions are planned for parents preparing for the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism for their child. Godparents are most welcome to attend. The sessions are held once a month in a rectory conference room from 7:00-8:30PM on most 4th Thursday’s of the month.
Intercession Writers – Parishioners who compose the General Intercessions for weekly liturgies, special feasts and parish Masses.
Liturgy of the Word for Children – The weekly practice of children, ages 5 to 10, leaving the Sunday assembly during the Liturgy of the Word and gathering in a separate space for the purpose of being led to full, conscious and active participation in the Sunday liturgical assembly by celebrating the Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their understanding.
Breaking Open the Word – Reflection Writers – On a rotating basis, volunteers prepare the reflection questions for the church bulletin which assist parishioners in preparing for the upcoming Sunday readings.
Initiation and Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation – Adult faith formation sessions, planned throughout the year, provide adults an opportunity to grow in knowledge and practice of the faith. Parishioners are encouraged to seek spiritual growth through educational programs and parish involvement.
Parish Religious Education Program – Catechesis is provided by volunteer catechists for parish children who attend public schools. Catechists follow the guidelines set by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Training and other formation opportunities are available for classroom catechists. Classroom Aides and general clerical help are also needed. The parish religious education program meets on Tuesdays from September through May for two different sessions: 4:30-5:45PM (Grades K – 3) and 6:45-8:00PM (Grades 3-6).
Teens INC – The parish youth ministry program serves the 7th and 8th graders of the parish. We gather the teens for evenings of formation (I.N.C. Nights) along with social and service events. The program is coordinated by the parish youth minister, coordinator of religious education and interested adults.
GAP– A Catholic youth group open to girls and boys in grades 6 through 12. The group combines spiritual formation, prayer and apostolic work in seeking to build friendship and community. GAP meets weekly during the school year on Friday evenings (except the first Friday of the month) from 6:30- 8:00PM in Conway and Ward Halls. Each meeting is followed by a Eucharistic Holy Hour from 8:00-9:00PM in Church.
Evangelization Team – Evangelization means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself (Go and Make Disciples, #10) The parish team assists the parish in discovering ways to deepen the faith, share the faith and invite others to faith,. Members act as a catalyst for evangelization to happen in the parish. They work to raise awareness within the congregation of their role in evangelization.
RCIA– The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which adults are fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church. It serves as a spiritual and formational welcoming process for adults who have not been baptized or have been baptized in another faith tradition. Those who have been baptized in the Catholic Church but have not been catechized or completely initiated may also inquire at the rectory. Interested parishioners are invited to become RCIA team members or sponsors.
Scripture Study Group – An opportunity for parishioners to study specific books of the Bible using scripture aides, visual technology and personal sharing. This group meets in the rectory on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00AM.
Faith Sharing – Small groups gather during Lent and sometimes throughout the year in private homes or in parish conference rooms. The coming Sunday readings or spiritual books are the focus of the weekly/monthly meetings.
Family and Community
Parish School – Since 1929, St. Francis of Assisi Parish School has served the Springfield, Delaware County community. Ranging from age 3 in our Pre-School, to age 14 in our eighth grade, we strive to meet the needs of every child we are blessed to have as a member of our school community. Since Christ is the reason for the school, we ensure that the truths of the Catholic faith are taught and learned by all students. Our technology program is definitely twenty-first century as we try to develop all the talents of our students. For any information about St. Francis of Assisi Parish School, please visit our web site:
Parish School Home & School Association – The St. Francis of Assisi School Home & School Association is a tremendous asset to our school community. Always striving to meet the needs of the school, the members dedicate themselves to fundraising, as well as “spirit-raising” when we just get together to enjoy each other’s company. The Home & School Association arranges for assemblies for the students and speakers for the general Home & School meetings. We are so grateful for the active membership that truly joins home with school.
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) – CYO sports is a partnership of parishioners who manage and support a sports program (14 sports with over 30 teams) that allows youth in grades 1-12 to grow in their relationship with God and come to better understand themselves and their Catholic faith.
Over 50’s Club – The Club provides relaxation, entertainment, social activities, and seasonal trips. Anyone 50 years of age and older may join the club. Membership is open to the entire community. The Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 1:15 PM in Leonard Hall.
Fellowship Committee – Volunteers who plan the parish socials for special events and following certain Masses.
Welcoming Committee – Teams of two, on a rotating basis, contact and visit new parishioners to welcome them to the parish and invite them to be active members.
CARES / After School – Parish program that offers after-school care for working parents
Sewing Group – Parishioners who sew and/or embroider the white garments provided to families celebrating the baptism of their child.
Pastoral Outreach
Bereavement Ministry – Members of this ministry assist grieving parishioners in the planning of the funeral liturgy for their family member and the printing of a liturgy booklet used during the funeral liturgy. Other members act as greeters for the Mass/liturgy. Members also plan a yearly memorial Mass in November close to the feast of All Souls. Anniversary cards are also sent to families by this ministry.
Elizabeth Ministry – Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth, this parish ministry reaches out to women and their families during times of joy and sorrow in child bearing years: pregnancy, celebration of birth, grandparent support, miscarriage, infant/child crisis, infant/child death, infertility and adoption. This ministry holds an annual Mass of Remembrance for families who have lost a child of any age.
Home and Hospital Visitation – There are certain times in our lives when we are not able to be physically present in Church. In order to share God’s loving care to our parish family at these times, there is on-going visitation to the homebound and sick. Our Clergy, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, and others follow the call of Jesus to visit the sick, to pray, and to bring comfort and consolation to those in need.
Joseph’s People – parish ministry which supports men and women in career crisis, unemployed and under-employed. Call Deacon Art McGuire at 610-544-5023 for more information.
Aid for Friends –a non-profit organization that provides meals to the homebound people in our 5 county area. Volunteers prepare meals in their homes and other volunteers deliver them once a week to the needy. The meal tins are located in the rectory basement along with the storage freezer. Meal prepares and Home visitors are needed. For more information call Maria Lynch at 610-543-3835.
Pro- Life Committee – Parishioners who work to inculcate a respect for life as demanded by God’s laws, in our society in general, and in our parish in particular. The group promotes the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially in regard to family, marriage, chastity, healing and reconciliation for those suffering from abortion, advocacy for human life in any condition and age, public witness and civic action.
Parish Food Collection – A monthly collection of food by parishioners is donated to the Food Bank in Darby, PA. Collection dates are announced in the bulletin and at the doors of church.
St. Vincent de Paul Society – A social services ministry of the parish which meets to assist parishioners in financial need. They also provide transportation for parishioners traveling to doctor’s appointments.
Intercessory Prayer – A group of parishioners who pray for the needs of parishioners, their families and friends using a telephone prayer chain. Please call 610-328-0741 to present prayer requests.
Other Ministries and Organizations
Building and Grounds Committee – The committee consists of technically knowledgeable parishioners and the Director of Maintenance. The committee assesses parish buildings and grounds to prioritize urgent needs, and assure the safe and reliable condition of all facilities and grounds.
Collection Counters – Assist on Sundays on a rotating basis to count the weekend Mass collections.
Grocery Script – Scrip is the Parish based program where you purchase gift cards to your favorite stores through SFA and get a percent of that purchase amount back as a tuition credit or rebate check. The scrip program is open to all registered members of St. Francis of Assisi parish. The goal is to assist parish members in meeting ever-increasing financial demands and to support the parish. If you have a child in the SFA child care, elementary school, Religious Education program or a preschool, high school or college where you are required to pay tuition, the credits can be redeemed to help with those expenses. It is a program that over the course of your child’s education can save you a significant amount on tuition and help the parish at the same time.
SFA Players – The St. Francis Players have been in existence and dazzling the parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi and the greater Springfield Delaware County community for over 55 years. The Players pride themselves in carrying out their mission to serve as a parish ministry for adults and children alike by fostering fellowship and community involvement in theatre and the fine arts. The group puts on an annual production every spring with its season running from early January to early May.
White Elephant Thrift Shop – The Shop, located in Travo Hall on the corner of Saxer and Johnston Avenues, is run by volunteers who manage the selling of donated household items including clothing, furniture, toys, books, and much more. Hours are Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Donations are accepted during these hours. All donations and sales benefit the parish. Telephone 610-543-8184 (working hours) and 610-544-0766 (off-hours).
Franciscan Third Order – Members who follow the secular Franciscan Rule, a journey that involves three separate stages and culminates in a lifelong commitment to live the gospel following the example of St. Francis of Assisi. Meetings are scheduled for the second Sunday of the month in Conway Hall and Church.
Special Parish Councils
Pastoral Council – A consultative body presided over by the Pastor whose role is to advise and assist the Pastor in areas of pastoral concerns. The Council is comprised of parishioners’ representative of the entire parish, recognizing and reflecting the parish’s rich diversity. The Pastoral Council develops and maintains a Strategic Pastoral Plan that reflects the identity and mission of the parish in light of the Gospel, Church teachings and the specific realities and needs of the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is to cooperate with parish committees which address such areas of parish life as worship, spirituality, community, evangelization, education, and service.
Finance Council – A consultative body presided over by the Pastor whose role is to advise and assist the Pastor regarding the parish finances. The Council provides insights and support in the preparation of the operating budget, capital projects, and the overall financial condition of the parish.