These groups are always eager to welcome new members.
To obtain information about the person to contact, please
call the Rectory at (610)543-0848.
Ministry | Details |
Parish Faith Formation Education | Various programs offer a closer look at spiritual realities. Watch for programs throughout the year. |
Alpha | Alpha is a meal, a talk and a chance to ask those hard questions on faith in a non-threatening place. Guests are invited to learn together as they dig into questions of life and faith. Alpha originated in England as a way to present the Gospel to believers and non-believers alike. |
Alcoholics Anonymous | Non Sectarian meetings held on the grounds of St. Francis Parish every Thursday evening from 7pm to 9pm in Conway Hall behind St. Francis Church |
Aid For Friends | Provides meals and visits to the isolated homebound. Can be as simple as preparing an extra plate of food, which is then frozen and stored in the rectory for use by those in need. |
Baptism Preparation | This is instruction for parents preparing for the Baptism of their child. |
Bereavement Ministry | The Bethany Group reaches out to those who have lost a loved one and ministers to them through prayer and service. There is an initial visit, help with the liturgy for the funeral and follow-up visits. |
Bible Study | A deeper look at Sacred Scripture for those thirsty for God’s Word. |
Buildings Committee | This is an advisory committee concerning the physical plant, the buildings and property of the parish and the maintenance and repair thereof. |
C.C.D. | (Religious Education) Our Confraternity of Christian Doctrine strives to proclaim the message of Jesus to the young people of our parish who attend schools other than the parish school. The program also offers Religious Education to Special Ed and Ungraded/Sacrament preparation for older children. |
C.Y.O. | The Catholic Youth Organization is a five-phase program (spiritual, social, cultural, service and athletic for youth. All parish youth are encouraged to check out the organization’s varied programs. |
Cancer Sewing Group | Preparing materials for cancer patients. |
Cares Program | An extended care service for children in our parish school, running after school until 6 P.M. |
Choir | The role of the choir is to assist the assembly in its worship by raising their minds and hearts to God through song. |
Christmas Bazaar | The Bazaar offers an assortment of gifts, hand-made crafts, toys, food and plenty of fun for the children. |
Daily Rosary Group | Recites the Rosary daily before 8 A.M. Mass. |
Divorced, Separated and Widows | A contact liaison with Archdiocesan Family Life Bureau and support groups. |
Environment Committee | This group tends to the altar linens, the making and caring of church banners, floral arrangements and decorating the church for special and ordinary occasions. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | These men and women are called to serve the parish in a very special way by assisting the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at the Liturgy and in the visitation to our sick. |
Finance Committee | The Finance Committee is an advisory committee dealing with the financial matters of the parish, major projects, budget, income, expenditures and the financial report. |
Food Collection | Non-perishable food is collected once a month (usually on the second Sunday) for the needy in the Delaware County Vicariate. |
Grocery Connection | (SCRIP Program) Certificates from various supermarkets and stores are sold to parishioners. A portion of each sale goes to the parish. |
Home & School | This association provides a vehicle for communication and understanding between the parents at home and the pastor, the principal and teachers at school. |
Intercessory Prayer Group | Offers prayers immediately for parishioners as the need arises and has a monthly holy hour. |
Joseph’s People | Offers guidance and support for under-employed and unemployed men and women who are in transition with work. |
Lectors | The lector proclaims the Word of God at daily and Sunday Liturgies and devotions. |
Library | Staffs and manages children’s library. |
Liturgy of Word for Children | Takes children aside briefly at 8:30am and 10 am at Sunday Masses to teach them about the Gospel according to their capability. |
Ministers of Hospitality | Our greeters (formerly ushers) serve in the capacity of welcoming people to worship. These men and women give the first impression of the Parish to visitors, assist the handicapped, lead people to seats and take up the collection. |
Over 50 Club | The Over 50 Club provides a social atmosphere and activities for people over 50. |
Pastoral Council | The Council serves in an advisory capacity, taking a broad look at the pastoral direction of the parish, and focuses on spiritual goal-setting. The members are elected by parishioners except for certain standing and appointed positions. |
Pro-Life | This committee promotes and encourages respect for life through parish-related programs, public awareness of issues and prayer. |
R.C.I.A. | The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the spiritual formation process used to prepare adults for the Sacraments of Initiation, namely, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. |
Restoration Committee | This committee is dedicated to renewing parish buildings through their personal work and involvement. Much has been accomplished over the years. |
Small Faith Sharing Groups | Meet regularly in homes to share faith experience with other parishioners. |
ST Vincent De Paul Society | This group endeavors to help families in need and with immediate crisis problems, including drivers and home visitation. |
ST Francis Players | The Players have been entertaining audiences for OVER 50 years with top-notch shows. Come join this lively group. |
ST Francis School | Our parish school strives to provide an environment that brings the message of Jesus to our young people, and at the same time gives them an excellent education. Our school is accredited by the Middle States Association and we have a wonderful student-to-teacher ratio. |
Youth Ministry | High school youth group.. All 9th-12th graders are welcome.
Junior high youth group. All 6th-8th graders are welcome. |
Visitation of Sick Team | Men and women visit parishioners who are sick in hospitals, nursing homes and at home. |
Welcoming Committee | After new members have registered in the parish, someone from this committee contacts them answers any questions they may have concerning the parish. |
White Elephant | The White Elephant sells an assortment of goods, new and used, at terrific prices. |
Worship Committee | This is an advisory committee that works with the worship life of the community. |